Naimisha Forest
'Laughing in shy confusion'
This selection of ‘Poems from the Sanskrit’ was a favorite among a group of friends, well, a while ago. On hot summer afternoons, after lectures, we would sit in one of the cool stone alcoves that ran on one side of the college courtyard, boys and girls, and read aloud these poems, with many a smile and warm glance exchanged, . . .
The Cloud Messenger
The National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Mumbai is hosting a ‘Festival of Premiering Plays’, one of which, ‘I, Cloud’, by the Story Circus theatre company, I like especially for the inspiration it takes in Kalidasa, the supreme figure in classical Sanskrit literature.
The setting for . . .
The Boundless Bright Air
An unforgettable moment in the Iliad comes at the end of Book 8. Having beaten back the Greeks after a day of hard fighting, the Trojans determine to camp on the battlefield and press home their attack the next morning - unsuspecting that the gods have already fated them to ultimate defeat. Weary but exultant, the Trojans
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